Supporting Youth and Families This Back-to-School Season
By Family Voices United
This back-to-school season is different from any other in recent memory, and as schools reopen it’s important to be supportive of youth and families of all kinds. Whether schools reopen in person, pursue remote learning or fall somewhere in between, planning for reopening is an opportunity to re-examine and transform our education system to better support our most vulnerable families and students.
Listen to September’s Family Voices United podcast where kinship caregivers, birth parents, and current and former foster youth will provide insight on support needed to return to school while prioritizing their social, mental, and physical safety during the reopening process.
Family Voices United is a joint undertaking by Casey Family Programs, FosterClub, Generations United, and The Children’s Trust Fund Alliance to elevate the voices and experiences of parents, relative caregivers and young people, transforming systems to support children and families to thrive. Learn more at