Celebrating National Parent Leadership Month and Black History Month with the Children’s Trust Fund Alliance
By Family Voices United
In honor of February being National Parent Leadership Month and Black History Month, Family Voices United member organization Children’s Trust Fund Alliance has been recognizing the important role parents play in raising healthy families and sharing resources that families can use to learn about Black History Month.
The Children’s Trust Fund Alliance and the Birth Parent National Network (BPNN) are recognizing parents across the country for their heroic efforts to keep their families strong during 2020 and into 2021. The Alliance’s month-long HERO — Healthy Empowering Response to Opportunity — social media campaign is designed to share activities and resources, recognizing and supporting parents and their families throughout the month of February. Take part in their campaign by amplifying their resources from your own social media accounts and by exploring and sharing their Black History Month materials.
Additionally, join the Alliance on Thursday, February 25th for an interactive conversation with public policy experts Christine Calpin and Lauren Behsudi from Casey Family Programs. Together they will discuss new child welfare opportunities recently signed into law at the national level, and talk about the North Carolina Welfare Family Advisory Council’s work shaping child welfare policy and programs in the state. Click here to register today!
Family Voices United is a joint undertaking by Casey Family Programs, FosterClub, Generations United, and The Children’s Trust Fund Alliance to elevate the voices and experiences of parents, relative caregivers and young people, transforming systems to support children and families to thrive. Learn more at https://familyvoicesunited.org/